Module polarcodes.Decode

A polar decoder class. Currently only Successive Cancellation Decoder (SCD) is supported.

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#!/usr/bin/env python

A polar decoder class. Currently only Successive Cancellation Decoder (SCD) is supported.

import numpy as np
from polarcodes.utils import *
from polarcodes.SCD import SCD

class Decode:
    def __init__(self, myPC, decoder_name = 'scd'):
        myPC: `PolarCode`
            a polar code object created using the :class:`PolarCode` class
        decoder_name: string
            name of decoder to use (default is 'scd')

        self.myPC = myPC
        self.x_noisy = np.array([])

        # select decoding algorithm
        if decoder_name == 'scd':
            scd = SCD(myPC)
            self.x_noisy = scd.decode()
            self.myPC.message_received = self.noisy_message(self.x_noisy, False)
        elif decoder_name == 'systematic_scd':
            scd = SCD(myPC)
            self.x_noisy = scd.decode()
            self.myPC.message_received = self.noisy_message(self.x_noisy, True)

    def noisy_message(self, x_noisy, systematic_flag):
        if systematic_flag:
            x_noisy = self.systematic_decode(x_noisy)
        return x_noisy[self.myPC.frozen_lookup == 1]

    def systematic_decode(self, x_noisy):
        x = np.array([x_noisy], dtype=int)
        return np.transpose(np.mod(, x.T), 2))[0]


class Decode (myPC, decoder_name='scd')


myPC : PolarCode
a polar code object created using the :class:PolarCode class
decoder_name : string
name of decoder to use (default is 'scd')
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class Decode:
    def __init__(self, myPC, decoder_name = 'scd'):
        myPC: `PolarCode`
            a polar code object created using the :class:`PolarCode` class
        decoder_name: string
            name of decoder to use (default is 'scd')

        self.myPC = myPC
        self.x_noisy = np.array([])

        # select decoding algorithm
        if decoder_name == 'scd':
            scd = SCD(myPC)
            self.x_noisy = scd.decode()
            self.myPC.message_received = self.noisy_message(self.x_noisy, False)
        elif decoder_name == 'systematic_scd':
            scd = SCD(myPC)
            self.x_noisy = scd.decode()
            self.myPC.message_received = self.noisy_message(self.x_noisy, True)

    def noisy_message(self, x_noisy, systematic_flag):
        if systematic_flag:
            x_noisy = self.systematic_decode(x_noisy)
        return x_noisy[self.myPC.frozen_lookup == 1]

    def systematic_decode(self, x_noisy):
        x = np.array([x_noisy], dtype=int)
        return np.transpose(np.mod(, x.T), 2))[0]


def noisy_message(self, x_noisy, systematic_flag)
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def noisy_message(self, x_noisy, systematic_flag):
    if systematic_flag:
        x_noisy = self.systematic_decode(x_noisy)
    return x_noisy[self.myPC.frozen_lookup == 1]
def systematic_decode(self, x_noisy)
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def systematic_decode(self, x_noisy):
    x = np.array([x_noisy], dtype=int)
    return np.transpose(np.mod(, x.T), 2))[0]